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  • Kenetia Lee

CASE STUDY: Dental Insurance Office Covid Disinfection

Yes, this is a post about Covid. Covid, Covid, Covid. Covid is now here to stay and it's hard imagine that life we used to live when we blew out birthday candles and didn't think about our aerosols infecting the entire cake.

In the meanwhile, Paige Blu Industries realizes that while some of us can bunker down in quarantine and develop a pathological resentment to Zoom, others don't have that luxury. Most people must to go to work and work in essential industries that require interaction with people, and we provide a disinfection service that, coupled with wearing masks, provides an extra layer of safety for your working space.

Case in point: recently, after one of their workers tested positive for Covid-19, this government run dental insurance company called us at 4:30 pm requesting that we show up two hours later when the last workers had gone home for the day to sanitize and disinfect.

Three crew members spent three hours wiping down and spraying electrostatic biocide over this 13,000 square foot office space.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), infectious agents—namely viruses, bacteria, and microbes—can be spread by droplets on surfaces or through airborne contamination.

Paige Blu Industries uses SNiPER, a chlorine-dioxide based biocide, to kill pathogens by physically disassembling the vital structural components of the organism at the molecular level. It prevents the organism from reproducing or continuing to function. Because SNiPER is not a metabolic toxin, but rather acts mechanically, organisms cannot develop immunity to it.

Paige Blu Industries offers electrostatic commercial and residential disinfection services to create an added layer of protection for the safety of your workers and living space. Reach out to us for a quote today!

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